Like many others I want to document my work and see how my ideas and interests evolve over time. Posts are largely a reference for myself, possibly a learning resource for others, and hopefully an insight into my work and way of thinking for potential employers. Topics are not limited to anything in particular but tend to fall into AI, science, mathematics, technology, philosophy, with the occasional comment on human society and the world at large. I don’t make a habbit of spending time on current events, so don’t expect to see it - if news is important enough it’ll reach me via indirect channels eventually. This is not a professional blog, there will be typos, half-formed thoughts and critical errors. Its a place for exploration and contemplation, let me know if you find anything of interest!

About Me

I am an AI researcher/engineer currently based in the UK.


I currently work as a Post-doc at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) building platforms for software agents (see e.g. star-ray). I have a general interest in building multi-agent systems and have extensive experience doing this in various languages: Java, Rust, Python (Ray).

I previously worked at Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) as an intern where I was researching generative1 world models and reinforcement learning for use in AAA PlayStation games. Since then lots of exciting things have happened in this space.


I received a PhD from Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) in 2023 which looked at the problem of Automated Bug Detection (ABD) in video games - this is a common topic in my posts, here is a link to the thesis in case you’re interested.

I also received an MSc in Machine Learning (ML) from Imperial College London in 2018, and was valedictorian in my undergradate degree in Computer Science at RHUL in 2017.

Select Publications

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For more see my Google scholar page.

  1. old school(ish) generative AI by modern “buzz word” terms: Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoders + Dreamer↩︎