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Live Configuration

worldofbugs environment supports live configuration. Bugs can be configured at runtime via a simple Python API, outlined below.

Configuring Bugs

A bug can be enabled using the enable_bug method, for example:


A bug can be disabled using the disable_bug method, for example:


Bug names a derived from their type name as it appears in Unity. A full list of bugs can be found here. It is up to the environment which bugs it implements, so not all environments will implement all bugs. To see a list of all the bugs that an environment implements try env.enable_bug("info"). For the moment an error is raised which lists all available bugs.

If the Unity editor is open, a list of all bugs can also be found in the Controller game object for most environments, they can be enabled/disabled by clicking the associated tick boxes.

Configuring Agent Behaviour

An agent's behaviour can be changed using the set_agent_behaviour method, for example:


Setting the behaviour to 'Python' will enable the current Python policy, the agent will take actions received via env.step. Otherwise, a heuristic behaviour defined in Unity will be used, and any Python actions will be ignored. The actual action taken can be retrieved by inspecting info returned by env.step as follows:

    state, reward, done, info = env.step(0)

Again, it is up to the environment (and in particular the agent) to define which heuristic behaviours are available.

If the Unity editor is open, an agent's behaviour can be set by modifying the Heuristic in the Agent component of the Agent game object. In World-v1 for example:


By default, all messages logged with Unity's default logging system, Debug.Log are also displayed in the Python console. This can be configured when an environment is created by specifying debug = True, i.e. worldofbugs.make("WOB/World-v1", debug=True).