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World-v1 is a simple environment that has been built to test approaches to the bug identification problem. Exploration is trivial as the agent is situated in a small static room containing two cubes.

Demo of the built-in navigation agent exploring and uncovering various bugs.


Action Index Type Description
IDLE 0 Discrete Does nothing.
FORWARD 1 Discrete Moves the agent in the facing direction.
ROTATE_LEFT 2 Discrete Turns the agent left.
ROTATE_RIGHT 3 Discrete Turns the agent right.
Observation Type Description
Observation (3,84,84) float First person view of the environment.
Mask (3,84,84) float Masked first person view of the environment highlighting bugged regions.
Position (3,) float Position of the agent.
Rotation (3,) float Rotation of the agent.
Action (1,) float The most recent action taken by the agent.